So I have been up and about since the day after my surgery. Ive done great and really haven't been too uncomfortable.
I literally slept for 23 hours Monday. I was only awake to eat or pee. I decided to stop takings Percocet. They aren't doing anything for my pain. They just made me sleepy or loopy. I'm not in a terrible amount of pain so it's ok I guess. I was hoping for some relief finally w good pills. Oh well I guess.
Today was my 2nd PT session. She said that I am doing way better than most people. We even did a couple exercises she didn't plan on doing bc I was doing so well. Today was a great day for me too. I got up and got my own breakfast and lunch. It took me forever but I did it. I would just grab each item and take it over to the table and assemble it there. If you only buy 1 thing to prepare for this surgery you must buy a reacher/grabber thing. It's the best invention ever. It's great since you can't bend forward or reach for things. I even got dressed by myself today with the help of the grabber.
Oh a little funny story... As Andy was helping me put my shoes on before PT, I noticed when he was tying them, he was tying my shoes together!!! I yelled "don't do that?!?!?" He looked up dying laughing and gave me a kiss. He has been amazing. I'm so lucky to have him. He keeps things funny, he's protective of me while I'm walking but he also let's me be independent. He let's me do things on my home at own. If I asked he would get whatever I needed in a heartbeat, but he knows I don't want to be completely dependent of him.
I have an amazing support group around me. I've had people bring me food and/or visit almost everyday. I have a friend coming tomorrow. As annoyed as I am not being able to move around I have so many people reminding me that I can and will get thru this. According to my therapist I'm off to a great start
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